Presentation at Tennis Club Barcino
Last Friday, February 11, we went to make a presentation at the Barcino Tennis Club, with which we have collaborated for a few years now. The presentation was made by Sara. One of our colleagues who lived the experience of being able to go to the United States to study and compete 1 year ago. She went to study at Mississippi State, a great Division 1 university and competed against the best players in the nation. She explained to them in detail what the advantages of going to study in the United States were, why they should do it, and what they needed to get an athletic scholarship. Whether in sports or academics. Which affects as much or more than sports in the process of getting a scholarship to study at a university in the United States. It was a great presentation, where she narrated her experiences and that made it very entertaining and interesting.
The boys from the Barcino Tennis Club listened attentively and some seem to have been motivated to want to go to study in the United States and live the same experience as Sara. From I-Consports, we encourage you to continue pursuing this goal. Since we are sure that if they succeed they will not regret the experience. Here are some pictures we took during the day.