Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving is one of the most important holidays in the United States. It is one of the few holidays that all citizens celebrate, regardless of their ideology, ideals, religion, etc. In fact, no religious ceremony is celebrated on this holiday. It is a day to meet with family, friends and the other loved ones. The fact that everyone is united is so important that some families invite people who do not have someone to meet up with to their home so that they don’t spend the day alone.
In Spain, Thanksgiving is not as well-known as other festivities in the country. But it is a reality that is gaining strength and every year a greater number of people do celebrate it. So, it is not surprising that, as has happened with other foreign celebrations, in the not-too-distant future, thanksgiving day is at the level of other festivities that have come to us from the United States, such as Halloween.
The most important thing is that the meaning of the holiday is very beautiful and significant, and that makes it one of our favorite holidays. Therefore, from I-Con Sports, we want to wish you all a happy Thanksgiving day! Enjoy it!